He is able still to deliver thee lyrics

English Christian Song Lyrics

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Song added on : 10/28/2024

1. O troubled heart, be thou not afraid,

In the Lord thy God, let thy hope be stayed;

He will hear thy cry and will give thee aid,

Whate’er thy cross may be.


He is able still to deliver thee,

And His own right hand thy defense shall be:

He is able still to deliver thee,

Then be thou not afraid.

2. O troubled heart, tho’ thy foes unite,

Let thy faith be strong and thy armor bright;

Thou shalt overcome thro’ His pow’r and might,

And more than conqu’ror be. [Refrain]

3. O troubled heart, when thy way is drear,

He will rescue thee and dispel thy fear;

In thy greatest need He is always near,

To Him all glory be. [Refrain]

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