Lyrics for the song:
As I rise, strength of God

English Christian Song Lyrics

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As I rise, strength of God,

Go before, lift me up.

As I wake, eyes of God,

Look upon, be my sight.

As I wait, heart of God,

Satisfy and sustain.

As I hear, voice of God,

Lead me on, be my guide,

Be my guide.

Above and below me,

Before and behind me,

In every eye that sees me,

Christ be all around me.


And as I go, hand of God,

My defence, by my side.

As I rest, breath of God,

Fall upon, bring me peace,

Bring me peace.

Your life, Your death,

Your blood was shed

For every moment,

Every moment.


This song has been viewed 16 times.
Song added on : 11/15/2024

As I rise, strength of God

As I rise, strength of God,

Go before, lift me up.

As I wake, eyes of God,

Look upon, be my sight.

As I wait, heart of God,

Satisfy and sustain.

As I hear, voice of God,

Lead me on, be my guide,

Be my guide.

Above and below me,

Before and behind me,

In every eye that sees me,

Christ be all around me.


And as I go, hand of God,

My defence, by my side.

As I rest, breath of God,

Fall upon, bring me peace,

Bring me peace.

Your life, Your death,

Your blood was shed

For every moment,

Every moment.


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